Learn an Unwavering Mental Health from Children

Feeling happy consciously may bring about gratitude in our life. Gratitude that practiced constantly as we believe, is a ground to deal with all our problems. The emotion of such feeling reminds us frequently of the merit of our parents, teachers, elders and all beloved relatives who no longer live within this world. Their existence in past however might had inherited genetically or spiritually memories of how we live today, otherwise thanks to the continued prayers granted during their lifetime, we finally arrived at a point of current mental well-being.

Live within current millennial age requires us to living in mindfulness.
A family are sitting dinner together but each hands are grasping their individual mobile gadget. Each mind traveling to different places out of where their body is currently exist and relates to. The father might so busy imagining what to post in his social media account. Some trending public issues such as religious or political campaign apparently become a high magnet to think about rather than to communicate heart-to-heart with the family member at the moment. Likewise the mother, not enough having arrived home tiredly from work, she got complaint about their kids who nonstop playing games. The kids in turn are blamed for never being focus on lessons they learnt.

This is happened to us. We always ask our children to concentrate while learning. We also demand them to focus on lessons. But we may forget, when we taught them how to concentrate? Have we been their role model on how to focus on problem dealing?

As the growing of technology like Internet of Things (IoT), our way of life for a last decade changed differently. Technology as a tool will always change, and it keeps helpful. Therefore our life circle: family, working, social and education life, will always change too. But the one that should not change as our foundation of life is relationships. The present of technology in our life should not shift our building of relationship, even just “a space of a keyboard”.

Relationship within our family life somehow will become a reflection of how good our relationship within our working, social and education life. It is time for us to reinvent the imagination of how our working, social and education life. Millennials at workplace are having different characteristics which may not compared with how the prior generation work. Having authentic awareness like being supportive and love to encourage each other as a united body, is a significant mental health required to achieve a healthy company.

Education Life
Guarding our children in living their life within global connected age must be started since their early education (0-13 yo). Academic competition is not the main purpose of education. Let children having their own unique competencies. Each competency has its own significant post in society. We agree life is more complex than just a competition. The main purpose of education is that our children can deal with their life problems. To deal with problems in their real life, children must be equipped with a foundation of life, which is mental health. Good relationship to themselves, between them and the educator and their friends is one of a mental health outcome. Both children and educator will pursuit any lessons easier when their mental are health.

To be mindful, educator and children need to know themselves. Parents as children’s role model together with the educator or facilitator at school need to introduce the children with a self-regulator within themselves. Self-regulator is a unit series of three fundamental building structures consist of mind, heart and emotion. By knowing how their self-regulator works, and help them practicing it continuously in daily basis, children are expected to be able to manage and control their mind, heart and emotion. The outcome, they should be able to control and free their mind from any distractions while learning, able to manage their self emotion, and having good relationship with friends by supporting instead of judging each other, for example.

A continued, controlled mind, heart, and emotion creates an unwavering healthy mental. Children will having good relationship with themselves. We, as parent and educator will learn much more the true mental health from the children to reflect in our working and social life. An emphatic child, for example, will automatically has good relation with their friends and nature.

This way is expected creating an emotional intelligence to the children that in turn creates their social intelligence. (To be continued)* Siti Nur Aryani. [This note was written after giving a meditation session to the English club students in Potahouzz 17th September 2017]

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